Discover Authentic Self-Mastery

Unleash Your Brilliance!

Are you ready to bring your authentic self to every aspect of your life and unlock your true potential? Our Be Bold Assessment, is designed just for you. Recognize and leverage your unique strengths to show up powerfully and effectively in both your personal and professional life. 

Why This Assessment Is a Game-Changer

Speak Your Language for Maximum Impact

Unlock your leadership potential with the Be Bold Assessment. Choose between our two tailored options to understand and leverage your unique strengths.

Understand Your Preference

Harness Your Power

The Be Bold Assessment highlights your self-awareness, while the Foursight Assessment identifies your unique thinking preference for solving problems. Together, they provide you with the tools and language necessary to unleash your brilliance.

Can you identify your preference? Are you a:

  • Clarifier

    Loves gathering information and understanding the problem.

  • Ideator

    Thrives on brainstorming and generating creative solutions.

  • Developer

    Excels at refining and improving ideas.

  • Implementer

    Takes action and makes things happen.

Understand your unique preference to strengthen your leadership skills, reduce conflicts, enhance collaborations, and approach problems from a new perspective.

Lead A Bold Life ByUnleashing Your Brilliance

Empower yourself with the knowledge and language to evolve both professionally and personally. Choose your preferred option and embark on your journey towards self-mastery and outstanding leadership today!

  • The Be Bold Assessment
  • Insight into your Self Mastery
  • Practical tips for communication and collaboration

Unlock Your Potential

Begin Your Journey to Self-Mastery

Unlock your true potential with our quick and insightful self-selection assessment. This tool helps you understand how your natural attributes align with your thinking preferences, providing practical tips to enhance your communication and collaboration skills. Ideal for those who prefer an independent experience, this assessment is your first step toward effective leadership and personal growth.

Unlock Your Full Potential

Dive Deeper into Your Brilliance

The Premium Debrief Session is designed for individuals who want a comprehensive, personalized analysis of their natural preferences and leadership style. This session includes The Be Bold Assessment, Foursight Thinking Profile Assessment, a detailed report, and a 30-minute one-on-one debrief with Dr. Tamara L. McMillan. During the debrief, you’ll gain specific language to articulate your value in professional and personal settings and receive a tailored action plan to leverage your strengths and preferences effectively. This session is perfect for those seeking to elevate their personalized analysis of their natural preferences and leadership style, enhancing their leadership skills and achieving greater self-mastery.

Premium Debrief Session
$ 157
  • The Be Bold Assessment
  • Foursight Thinking Profile Assessment
  • Individual Preference Profile
  • 4 Page Interpretative Guide
  • 30-minute One-On-One Debrief with
    Dr. Tamara L. McMillan
  • Personalized action plan to leverage strengths and preferences

Pillars of Empowerment

What You Will Gain


Embrace and express the value you bring to any team by understanding your unique preferences and perspectives.


Communicate your strengths and contributions clearly, making you a more effective and inspiring leader.


Enhance your ability to work with others by understanding different problem-solving approaches and creating synergistic partnerships.

Your Problem-solving style

Harness Your Power

The Be Bold Assessment reveals your distinct problem-solving style, whether you are a:

  • Clarifier

    Who loves gathering information and understanding the problem.

  • Ideator

    Who thrives on brainstorming and generating creative solutions.

  • Developer

    Who excels at refining and improving ideas.

  • Implementer

    Who takes action and makes things happen.

Strengthen Collaborations and Lead Authentically

Recognizing your problem-solving preferences not only boosts your confidence but also enhances your ability to collaborate effectively. Understand your strengths and those of your team members to create powerful, synergistic partnerships. Foster a more cohesive, productive, and innovative team dynamic.

Why You Need the Be Bold Assessment

Why You Need the
Be Bold Assessment

Personalized Leadership Development

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Improved Team Dynamics

Identify your
problem-Solving Preference

Identify your problem-Solving Preference

Lead A Bold Life By Solving the Right Problems

Whether we realize it or not, our life is a game of problem-solving. No matter the size, we will experience problems on a daily basis. What matters is not so much the size of the problem, but the methods we use to solve those problems. 
Are you solving the RIGHT problems? Are you asking the RIGHT questions? This 10min assessment will help you identify your preference for solving problems and give you the tools to overcome ANY challenges life throws your way.

Claim Your Free Be Bold Assessment Today!

Lead A Bold Life By Solving the Right Problems

Whether we realize it or not, our life is a game of problem-solving. No matter the size, we will experience problems on a daily basis. What matters is not so much the size of the problem, but the methods we use to solve those problems. 
Are you solving the RIGHT problems? Are you asking the RIGHT questions? This 10min assessment will help you identify your preference for solving problems and give you the tools to overcome ANY challenges life throws your way.

Claim Your Free Be Bold Assessment Today!

Lead A Bold Life By Solving the Right Problems

Whether we realize it or not, our life is a game of problem-solving. No matter the size, we will experience problems on a daily basis. What matters is not so much the size of the problem, but the methods we use to solve those problems. 
Are you solving the RIGHT problems? Are you asking the RIGHT questions? This 10min assessment will help you identify your preference for solving problems and give you the tools to overcome ANY challenges life throws your way.

Are you ready to understand your brilliance?

Be Bold Assessment

Enter your information below to instantly download your free guide.

LibHERate with


My aim is to share with you the tools. kits, tricks and strategies I've spent thousands of dollars on, the numerous years in college and earning certifications; so you can be delibHERate about your life! The last greatest freedom is the freedom to decide. And today... you have decided to paddle your own canoe.