You Deserve to do a thing called what You Want. Are You ready to Try on YourBoldness?

Empower MEE is a magnetic tribe of women who are trying on their boldness together! By celebrating one another and helping to solve the problems that stand in our way, so we can do a thing called what we want…individually and collectively. Our individual experiences provide the fuel that energizes our community. However, this tribe isn’t for every Woman, as being bold requires vulnerability, transparency, and honesty. As women have been conditioned to believe our desires, goals, and dreams are secondary. We are bound by societal constraints, gender roles, objectification, and inequities. Therefore, we end up spending most of our lives solving problems that benefit others, placing us in inferior positions leaving us unfulfilled, unhappy, and wanting more from life.

Thus, our tribe offers encouragement, transformational tools, access to an enlightening community of collaborators, and much more. It’s not about maximizing but optimization. We do a thing called what we want…and so can you. Join our tribe and become a part of a community that will help you Be Bold too.

You Deserve to do a thing called what You Want. Are You ready to Try on YourBoldness?

Empower MEE is a magnetic tribe of women who are trying on their boldness together! By celebrating one another and helping to solve the problems that stand in our way, so we can do a thing called what we want…individually and collectively. Our individual experiences provide the fuel that energizes our community. However, this tribe isn’t for every Woman, as being bold requires vulnerability, transparency, and honesty. As women have been conditioned to believe our desires, goals, and dreams are secondary. We are bound by societal constraints, gender roles, objectification, and inequities. Therefore, we end up spending most of our lives solving problems that benefit others, placing us in inferior positions leaving us unfulfilled, unhappy, and wanting more from life.

Thus, our tribe offers encouragement, transformational tools, access to an enlightening community of collaborators, and much more. It’s not about maximizing but optimization. We do a thing called what we want…and so can you. Join our tribe and become a part of a community that will help you Be Bold too.

LibHERate with


My aim is to share with you the tools. kits, tricks and strategies I've spent thousands of dollars on, the numerous years in college and earning certifications; so you can be delibHERate about your life! The last greatest freedom is the freedom to decide. And today... you have decided to paddle your own canoe.